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To Provide 3 Meals a Week to 1,000 Students



It is possible for Haitians to use local market products and prepare a healthy, nutritious meal of rice, beans, etc. for the cost of $.50 per day. 1000 students at $.50 each per day creates a cost of $500.00 per day.  Think about it.  You can provide nutrition, essential for academic development for 1000 children for a day for just $500!  


That’s right—for less than $42 a month (or $1.37 per day) you can insure needed nutrition to the students to help them be better prepared to learn!  We all understand that basic education is the key to a brighter future.  For less than the cost of one specialty coffee each day, you can provide for a healthy learning experience for 1000 children.


Individuals, Churches, Civic Groups and Businesses - all can help!


With your annual donation:


$500 (or $41.67 per month) will feed 1,000 students for a day


$1,500 (or $125.00 per month) will feed 1,000 students for a week


$6,000 (or $500.00 per month) will feed 1,000 students for a month


What a great project for you or your group to be part of!  Hunger will not go away, but with our help, it can be reduced.  It takes all of us working together—doing our fair share.  Won’t you help?


Our goal is to reach a combined annual donation of $50,000 which will feed 1,000 students 3 life sustaining meals a week for an entire school year.

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